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Most Outstanding Religious Personality
Moat Outstanding Female Student Achiever
Outstanding Female Student Photographer
Outstanding Female Student Journalist
Outstanding Female Student Blogger
Outstanding Female Student Content Creator
Most Influential Social Media Personality
Best Female Student Politician
Outstanding Department Wocom
Outstanding Female Student Department Executive
Outstanding Female Student MC
Outstanding Female Event Organizer
Best Dressed Female Student
Outstanding Female Student Leader
Most Promising Female Personality
Outstanding Female Student Entrepreneur
Outstanding Female Student Model
Outstanding Female Course Rep
Outstanding Female Student in Academics
Outstanding Female Student Makeup Artist
Outstanding Sociable Female Student
Outstanding Female Sports Personality
Most Fashionable Female Student
Most Popular Female Student with Purpose
Outstanding Female Student Poet/ Writer/ Spoken Word Artist
Most Innovative Female Student
Outstanding Creative Visionary Woman of the Year
Outstanding TV/ Radio Female Student Personality of the year
Most Determined Female Student
Female Student Engineer of the Year
Female Student Constructor of the Year
Outstanding Female Student Caterer of the Year
Best Talented Female Student
Outstanding Religious Organization Wocom
Most Outstanding Female Designer
Best Female Student Musician
Best Female Student Parlimentarian
Best Female Student Fashion Designer
Best Female Student Graphic Designer
Best Female Student Debator
Outstanding Female Nugs Class Rep
Best Female Pals on Campus
Outstanding Female Student Counsel
Best Outstanding Female Photogenic Student